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Support & FAQ

We believe that happy customers are the key to a successful business. Our team is here 24/7 to help you with your requests.


If you’re our customer, report any issue in your client’s portal and we will assist you.

Post ticket


Do you need instant information? Ask our support team on chat.


Emergency inquiries or issues? Please call our technicians to resolve your urgent problem.

+1 646 664 1963


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Frequently asked questions

  1. Please raise a support ticket through the client portal with a detailed description of what happened. Our technicians work 24/7 and they will resolve your problem as soon as possible.
  2. Please make a traceroute and paste it in the body of your support ticket. You can raise a ticket in the support section of the client portal at
  3. If we receive any DMCA regarding any activity on your server you will be contacted via email and you will be asked to remove the content.
    • Download TeamViewer here and proceed with the installation.

    • Start TeamViewer and send us your ID and password.

    • Thanks to that we will be able to connect to your computer and see/fix the problem directly.