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Support & FAQ

We believe that happy customers are the key to a successful business. Our team is here 24/7 to help you with your requests.


If you’re our customer, report any issue in your client’s portal and we will assist you.

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Emergency inquiries or issues? Please call our technicians to resolve your urgent problem.

+1 646 664 1963


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Frequently asked questions

  1. You can choose from Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS), VMware ESXi or any other software upon your needs. The initial OS install is free of charge or you can do it by yourself via IPMI.
  2. Your server will usually be ready within 2 hours after your payment.
  3. Since you have full access you can reinstall the OS by yourself or our technicians can assist you for an extra charge.
  4. Yes, we provide cPanel for $50/month upon request (no setup fee).
  5. Yes, we can set up any software RAID for you free of charge. Hardware RAID is subject to an additional $50/month. If you're not sure what RAID level to choose, see the full description in our blog post.