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Support & FAQ

We believe that happy customers are the key to a successful business. Our team is here 24/7 to help you with your requests.


If you’re our customer, report any issue in your client’s portal and we will assist you.

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Emergency inquiries or issues? Please call our technicians to resolve your urgent problem.

+1 646 664 1963


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Frequently asked questions

  1. Dedicated server means it's only for you and you are not sharing it with any other clients as is the case of shared servers or VPS. All of our servers are unmanaged so you get full admin access to manage a server by yourself.
  2. Yes. Feel free to try one week trial of 10 Gbps unmetered plan for $99 only. With a trial comes no further commitment.
  3. At the end of your trial period, you will be contacted by our sales team and you can choose whether you want to continue with a monthly plan or not. You can also choose any other server to continue with.
  4. We provide the initial setup free of charge based on your needs. If you need any help afterwards with other configurations, please raise a support ticket through your client's portal and we will do our best to help you. The request for reinstalling the OS is for an extra charge.
  5. You can use your IPMI/KVM access to reboot it. If you are not sure how to do that, feel free to raise a support ticket through the client portal and our technicians will gladly assist you. You can also reboot your server in your client portal.
  6. Yes, you can connect on any service you want.