Sales (UK):+44 20 3608 1635
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Support & FAQ

We believe that happy customers are the key to a successful business. Our team is here 24/7 to help you with your requests.


If you’re our customer, report any issue in your client’s portal and we will assist you.

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Do you need instant information? Ask our support team on chat.


Emergency inquiries or issues? Please call our technicians to resolve your urgent problem.

+1 646 664 1963


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Frequently asked questions

  1. You can pay via PayPal, credit card or wire transfer in USD, EUR or GBP.
  2. You can upgrade your plan anytime within a few minutes. Downgrade is possible from the next billing period.
  3. We will gladly provide you with individual pricing whether it's for a server, bandwidth or billing, just let us know your requirements.
  4. No. The first installation is free of charge and there are no additional setup fees either.
  5. For traffic plans (100TB, 300TB or any similar) we charge $4 for each 1TB used above your plan. With unmetered plans, there are no limits for data transferred.
  6. We would be thrilled to start a cooperation with you! Please contact us via email and we will discuss the options individually.
  7. No. Our plans are paid on monthly basis without any further commitments. You can sign a half year or year contract with us, which (usually) comes with a discount.
  8. All of the listed prices are without taxes. Tax is only added to companies or individuals from the EU that do not have a VAT number. The rest of the orders are tax free.